by Marija | Oct 16, 2016 | Raksti
Haizivis un draugi! Mēs ar prieku aicinām jūs pieteikties uz ievērojamās igauņu dokumentālo filmu veidotājas Kersti Uibo meistardarbnīcu “Mirkļi kadros” 28. oktobrī fonda “Viegli telpās”. Meistardarbnīcas mērķis ir iemācīties strādāt divatā (tā...
by Marija | Aug 22, 2016 | Raksti
Vasaras skola ir noslēgusies, bet jaunās haizivis turpinās savu peldējumu. Visi dalībnieki no 2013., 2014., 2015. un 2016. gada ir mūsu haizivju ģimene un mēs turpināsim tikties, iedvesmoties, veidot projektus un attīstīties Starp citu, šodien LTV ziņās bija sižets...
by Marija | Aug 22, 2016 | Uncategorized
Summer School is over but young sharks will continue the swim! All our participants from 2013., 2014., 2015. & 2016. are our shark family and we will continue to meet, get inspired, make project and develop. By the way Tlevision of Latvia published something about...
by Marija | Aug 15, 2016 | Uncategorized
It is wonderful to know that 50 creative young people will join our shark family tomorrow! We don’t have much time to write – leaving Riga for a week and hurrying to Kuldīga. Huge “To do” list and a pleasant excitement. For those who think...
by Marija | Jul 18, 2016 | Uncategorized
We would like to thank everyone for their submissions. We have evaluated them and here is the list below (in alphabetical order). We look forward to meeting you! International participants: Dāvids Vilhelms Freidenfelds Dovydas Žemaitaitis Hanna Lemachko Hanna...