by Marija | Aug 13, 2017 | Raksti
Pēdējās dienas šarkiem paskrējušas „ideju vētrās”, jaunos atklājumos, neparedzamās diskusijās un realizētās iecerēs. Sestdienas vakarā jaunās haizivis savu veikumu radošajos uzdevumos izrādīja plašākai publikai – viens otram, mentoriem un īpašajiem viesiem. Sfēras...
by Marija | Aug 12, 2017 | Uncategorized
The inspirational vibe has only rised. Now it is time to practice. Participants have been divided in 3 main groups lead by mentors Kris Mathur&Pauls Ķesteris, Inga Springe&Ben Dreyfuss and Asia Batayeva&Siiri Haidma. On Saturday they will be ready to...
by Marija | Aug 9, 2017 | Uncategorized
Young Media Sharks 2017 entered the oceans of the great knowledge and experiences yesterday. First day has been full of new connections and findings. We were feeling the spirit of our beautiful media home for a week „Pelči”, while enjoying soup made on bonfire and...
by Marija | May 16, 2017 | Uncategorized
What a summer this will be! Not long ago our sharks – video makers returned from festival festivāla “Kino Pedālis”, but now we are preparing for other great projects of friends and our own. But one thing at a time. Great, pleasant fuss is about “Young Sharks...
by Marija | May 16, 2017 | Raksti
Kas šī būs par vasaru! Pavisam nesen mūsu sharki – video veidotāji atgriezās no festivāla “Kino Pedālis”, bet jau tagad gatavojamies citiem lieliskiem draugu un mūsu pašu projektiem. Bet par visu pēc kārtas. Lielais, patīkamais satraukums ir par “Young Media...